Interview 16: Ron Edwards on The Forge’s Winter Phase

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on November 22nd, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

When Ron Edwards announced posted on The Forge that the site would be entering it’s “winter phase” there was a bit of a hullabaloo about just what exactly that would mean for the site. I quickly shot Ron an email asking if he’d like to take some time to discuss what this all meant, and the general perception of The Forge on the internet as a whole. What followed was a fascinating conversation about identity politics, the economics of small-press gaming, and the difficulties of communication on the Internet. Enjoy!

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Crunchy Bits!

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Tags: 3rd Coast Games, Action Castle, , Battletech, Bliss Stage, Brennan Taylor, , , Champions, Chicagoland Games, , Des Moines Social Club, Diana Jones Awards, Dogs in the Vineyard, FAFSA, games Workshop, GNS, Greg Stolze, , Hero System, Houses of the Blooded, Indie Press Revolution, Irish Charity Auctions, Iron Tyrants, , Jonathan Tweet, , Kevin Siembieda, Legend of the Five Rings, Lion Rampant, Metagaming Concepts, Naked Went the Gamer, Origins Award, Over the Edge, Pendragon, Peter Atkinson, , Robin D. Laws, ,, Ryan Dancey, , Steve Jackson, Story-games, The Forge, The Gaming Outpost, The Meese Comission, The Podgecast, Universalis, , Wizard

Round-Table Discussion: Complexity in Gaming

Posted in Discussions, Non-Actual Play, Round Table, RPG Only on November 1st, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin hopped on Skype with Jason Morningstar, Judd Karlman, and Jonathan Tweet to discuss how the complexity of a rules system affects the narrative in RPG’s.

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro music provided by 
Tags: Anna Kreider, Bull Rush, , Champions, Creative Agenda, , Druid, , Ghoul, Grey Ranks, , , Jonathan Tweet, Judd Karlman, , Monte Cook, Paladin, Prime Time Adventures, Sons of Kryos, Thou Art But A Warrior, Tim White, Unicorn

Interview 14: Jared Sorensen

Posted in FreeMarket, Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on July 14th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

After a few speedbumps we were finally able to get together with Jared Sorensen to discuss our experiences with FreeMarket. The original plan was to interview both Jared and Luke, but sadly  due to some technical difficulties Luke could not join us. Things ended up working out really well, though, as CJ and Kevin got a chance to dig pretty deep into some of their concerns and questions about FreeMarket.

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Crunchy Bits!

Tags: Blade Runner, , , , , , , , Jared Sorensen, , , Luke Crane, , , , , , , , , ,

Interview 12: Willow Palecek

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on April 6th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin sits down with Willow Palecek, writer of Escape from Tentacle City, Winner of the 2008 Game Chef Golden Katana that Shoots Smaller Katanas Award for Game That Looks Like it Was the Most Fun to Write. We talk about the core mechanics of the game, as well as what message, or lessons, could be learned from play.

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro music provided by 
Tags: , Escape from Tentacle City, Fiasco, , Game Chef, Gen Con, George A. Romero, Grey Ranks, Hentai, , Kagematsu, Legendary Lives, Mark Adams, Mike Holmes, Other Worlds, Poison'd, , S/lay /w Me, Shaun of the Dead, Willow Palecek, Zombie Cinema

The Walking Eye Interview 4: Clyde Rhoer

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only, Silence Keeps Me a Victim on April 6th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Keeping with our format of play, discuss and interview, Kevin and Jen Interview Clyde Rhoer the creator of Silence Keeps Me a Victim.

Crunchy Bits

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Tags: , Amber Diceless, Clyde Rhoer, Don't Rest Your Head, Evil Hat Productions, , Gregor Hutton, Grey Ranks, , Jared Sorensen, , , , Lucana, Luke Crane, Misspent Youth, Paul Czege, Ralph Maza, Robert Bohl, , Sam Weber, Silence Keeps Me a Victim,

The Walking Eye Interview 2: Robert Bohl

Posted in Interview, Misspent Youth, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on March 14th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Our exploration of Misspent Youth comes to a close as we sit down to discuss the game with it’s designer Rob Bohl. We learned a lot from playing MY and had a great time talking about it with Rob. The conversation meanders through a variety of topics, from a basic overview of the game, to difficulties we had, changes that will be in the final version, and a very entertaining debate between Brandon and Rob about the role of The Authority. We extend our thanks to Rob for  giving us the opportunity to play his game and discuss it with us.

Crunchy Bits:

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Names Rob Dropped:

Names Brandon Dropped:

  • Monte Cook
Tags: Andrew Morris, , , , Deb Donahough, Emily Care Boss, Evan Torner, , Geek Girls Rule, , , Jennifer Rodgers, Joshua AC Newman, Judd Karlman, Kat Jones, , Meguey Baker, Michael Miller, Mickey, Misspent Youth, Paul Czege, , Rob Donahough, The Sons of Kryos, Thor Olavsrud, Tony Lower-Basch,

The Walking Eye Podcast Episode 1: Grey Ranks Review

Posted in Discussions, Grey Ranks, Non-Actual Play, Review, RPG Only on November 18th, 2008 by Kevin Weiser

Our first discussion episode! Kevin, Dan, Jen, and CJ gather ’round The Walking Eye to discuss our recently completed run of The Grey Ranks by Jason Morningstar. It was an interesting and educational experience, one that we’d recommend to anyone.

Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro music provided by
Tags: , Bully Pulpit Games, , , Grey Ranks, , ,