The Walking Eye Interview 4: Clyde Rhoer

Keeping with our format of play, discuss and interview, Kevin and Jen Interview Clyde Rhoer the creator of Silence Keeps Me a Victim.

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Tags: , Amber Diceless, Clyde Rhoer, Don't Rest Your Head, Evil Hat Productions, , Gregor Hutton, Grey Ranks, , Jared Sorensen, , , , Lucana, Luke Crane, Misspent Youth, Paul Czege, Ralph Maza, Robert Bohl, , Sam Weber, Silence Keeps Me a Victim,

4 Responses to “The Walking Eye Interview 4: Clyde Rhoer”

  1. Eric Smailys Says:

    Just wanted to mention, the RPG Clyde couldn’t remember the name of is Nobilis by R. Sean Borgstrom. It’s the very epitome of Borgstromancy – gorgeous design and writing and almost entirely impossible to figure out how to play unless you your mind operates on the author’s frequency. I don’t regret buying it one bit, but I never expect to have an opportunity to play it.

  2. Jen - The Walking Eye Says:

    Hey Eric,
    Thanks a bunch for the info, i will update the post with it. I searched all over and I couldn’t figure it out; I totally appreciate you letting me know.

    Thanks for listening!

  3. BrainWyrms » Blog Archive » the consuming of podcasts for a magic manic monday where little sleep was to be found Says:

    […] The Walking Eye Interview 4: Clyde Rhoer – I find Clyde’s Silence game to be fascinating and utterly uncomfortable to even listen to it being discussed. Wow. […]

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