ICONS Review

Posted in Discussions, ICONS, Non-Actual Play, Review, RPG Only on September 15th, 2011 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin, Troll, Kat, and CJ sit down to discuss their experiences with Steve Kenson’s ICONS. The end result was a bit of a mixed bag, check it out for details!

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Tags: , , Dresden, , ICONS, Kat, , Lady Blackbird, Marvel Superheroes, Mouse Guard, , , ,

Discussion 28: The Same Page Tool

Posted in Discussions, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on April 12th, 2011 by Kevin Weiser

A while ago Kevin stumbled across Chris Chinn’s “Deeper in the Game” blog and quickly became a fan. Chris discusses a lot of interesting topics and puts a lot of thought into each post. One entry in particular caught his attention: The Same Page Tool. This was a tool RPG gamers can use before playing a game to make sure everyone is on the same page for what they expect out of this game, with these people. Kevin, Jen, and Troll had just been in a Mutants and Masterminds game with a new GM, and it became very obvious after just one session that we were not all on the same page. We go through the Same Page Tool question by question and discuss the implications of each question, using the aborted M&M game as an example of how it could help.

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Crunchy Bits

  • Intro and Outro music by 
Tags: , , , , , , D&D, , Deckard Cain, Deeper in the Game, Gary Gygax, , , , Mouse Guard, , Neverwinter Nights, Paranoia, Progress Quest, , tom Moldvey, , , , , Zombie Cinema

Interview 16: Ron Edwards on The Forge’s Winter Phase

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on November 22nd, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

When Ron Edwards announced posted on The Forge that the site would be entering it’s “winter phase” there was a bit of a hullabaloo about just what exactly that would mean for the site. I quickly shot Ron an email asking if he’d like to take some time to discuss what this all meant, and the general perception of The Forge on the internet as a whole. What followed was a fascinating conversation about identity politics, the economics of small-press gaming, and the difficulties of communication on the Internet. Enjoy!

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro music provided by 
Tags: 3rd Coast Games, Action Castle, , Battletech, Bliss Stage, Brennan Taylor, , , Champions, Chicagoland Games, , Des Moines Social Club, Diana Jones Awards, Dogs in the Vineyard, FAFSA, games Workshop, GNS, Greg Stolze, , Hero System, Houses of the Blooded, Indie Press Revolution, Irish Charity Auctions, Iron Tyrants, , Jonathan Tweet, , Kevin Siembieda, Legend of the Five Rings, Lion Rampant, Metagaming Concepts, Naked Went the Gamer, Origins Award, Over the Edge, Pendragon, Peter Atkinson, , Robin D. Laws, , RPG.net, Ryan Dancey, , Steve Jackson, Story-games, The Forge, The Gaming Outpost, The Meese Comission, The Podgecast, Universalis, , Wizard

Dresden Files Actual Play Session 1

Posted in Dresden Files RPG, Play Sessions, RPG Only on September 4th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

After a month and a half of cons, vacations, natural disasters and technical difficulties, we finally get a chance to sit down and play us some Dresden Files RPG by Evil Hat. This first session is our second try at city creation. The first time we decided on Anchorage, AK, and this time around we go a very different direction with Washington, D.C. A few changes have happened since our last run though a game. We got Jen back on the show as a regular, we lost Dan due to Real Life (aka. work schedule conflicts, but he’ll still be doing the Comics Cast) and for this game we’ve got the return of Troll, whom you may remember from our Dread Halloween Special.

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Dogs in the Vineyard Actual Play Session 3 Finale

Posted in Dogs in the Vineyard, Play Sessions, RPG Only on January 22nd, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Dogs in the Vineyard wraps up with the small ranching town of King’s Crossing. The players experiment with taking on conflicts solo, and finds some pretty serious challenges facing their characters. The defeats culminate with a very tense final showdown!

Unfortunately this is our last session of Dogs. We had a pretty rough three months this winter and have only managed to record twice due to plague, work, weather, and holidays. It was very difficult to keep the momentum going, but we all feel this is a good session to end on. The conflicts were tough, the morality fuzzy, and the ending suitably tragic.

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro Music from the soundtrack to The Proposition by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis (the composer, not the comic writer)
  • Outro music from “God’s Gonna Strike You Down” by Johnny Cash.
Tags: Angel, , , Clancy Brown, Conner, , , Dogs in the Vineyard, , Little House on the Prairie, Silent Lucidity, , Wolf Brother

Dogs in the Vineyard Actual Play Session 2

Posted in Dogs in the Vineyard, Play Sessions, RPG Only on January 4th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

And here we have our first full town for D. Vincent Baker’s Dog’s in the Vineyard. The gang learns a few good lessons this session. Namely, there’s pretty much no stopping a group of Dogs when they team up, and no matter how bad you don’t want your cousin to be a Sorcerer, sometimes you just have to face facts.  This town was created by Jason Morningstar, and is based on the true story of Olive Oatman. When Jason found out I was running his towns, he shot me an email warning that a few of his early town designs aren’t the most ideal. I thanked him for his concern, but went ahead anyway.

Since then, I’ve done a LOT of reading on the lumpley forums on The Forge about town design, and gotten a bit of play under my belt. I now know what Jason was concerned about. I’m not sure if it comes through in the recording, but this town lacked the tension of some later ones I’ve run, and I know exactly why: The situation was too clear, the antagonist too one-sided, and the problems of the town hadn’t escalated to Hate and Murder yet. Vincent recommends ALWAYS designing a town up to Hate and Murder. I learned a lot from running this town, and my second town is one I made myself, and I think really hits all the right spots for what a town should be. Stay tuned for that!

Relevant Links

Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro Music from the soundtrack to The Proposition by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis (the composer, not the comic writer)
  • Outro music from “When The Man Comes Around” by Johnny Cash.
Tags: , Carnivale, , , , Dogs in the Vineyard, , Lumpley Games, Mouse Guard, The Forge, Unknown Armies, , Wheel of Time

Dogs in the Vineyard Actual Play Session 1

Posted in Dogs in the Vineyard, Play Sessions, RPG Only on November 25th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Everyone here at The Walking Eye has been champing at the bit to finally get some sweet, sweet Dogs in the Vineyard action. It marks the half way point of or Vincent Baker Marathon (the final chapter will be Poison‘d) and it’s been an absolute blast. In this first session we handle character creation and establishing the basic facts about the world. It’s a good demonstration of how to pick Traits, and gives three different and interesting Initiation Conflicts. Check it out!

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro Music from the soundtrack to The Proposition by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis (the composer, not the comic writer)
Tags: , , , , Deseret, Dogs in the Vineyard, , Mouse Guard,

Forge Midwest 2009: Tim Koppang Interview

Posted in Forge Midwest 2009, Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on April 25th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

In early April Jen and I took a road trip up to Forge Midwest 2009 in beautiful Madison, Wisconsin. We played a lot of games and met a lot of cool people, expect a fair amount of content related to that in the upcoming weeks. One of the high points was a chance to play Hero’s Banner with it’s creator Tim Koppang. After running it for myself and two others (Edward “Sabe” Jones and a dude named Tim who’s contact info I didn’t get) I grabbed Tim (Koppang, not the player) and did a short interview with him. We discuss his inspirations for the game, the term “Storygames” (he’s not a fan), his gaming history, and whether free will actually exists or not. It was a real pleasure to meet and interview him.

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro Music Provided by
Tags: Bill Mudron, , Dust Devils, , Hero's Banner, Keith Senkowski, , , Song of Ice and Fire, Story Engine, Storygames, The Forge, The Gaming Outpost, Tim Koppang