Bonus: Spark RPG at GenCon 2012

Posted in Bonus Content, Play Sessions, RPG Only, Spark on September 25th, 2012 by Kevin Weiser

Jason made some pretty big changes to Spark based on our feedback, and wanted to give us a taste of the new rules. We do a full game, so, be wared, this is a full three hours. If you enjoy seeing how a game evolves from feedback, check this out!

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Interview 26: Jason Pitre, The Spark RPG

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only, Spark on July 31st, 2012 by Kevin Weiser

The whole crew sits down with Jason Pitre, designer behind The Spark RPG, to discuss our playtesting experience. We talk about changes that are being considered, and how challenging yet informative playtesting can be. Enjoy!

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The Spark RPG Actual Play Session 4

Posted in Play Sessions, RPG Only, Spark on July 24th, 2012 by Kevin Weiser

Jason gave us some rules revisions after listening to our 3rd AP, and in this session we discuss them and try to implement them, with mixed success.

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The Spark RPG Actual Play Session 3

Posted in Play Sessions, RPG Only, Spark on July 11th, 2012 by Kevin Weiser

Our first non-world generation session. We frame a scene and play around with the conflict system. There’s a fair bit of stumbling and discussion of the rules, especially the ramifications of the “resolutions” system, which will hopefully be of use to Jason Pitre as playtest data.

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The Spark RPG Actual Play Session 2

Posted in Play Sessions, RPG Only, Spark on July 4th, 2012 by Kevin Weiser

We create characters for the Spark RPG. Scientists and faceless men abound!

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The Spark RPG Actual Play Session 1

Posted in Play Sessions, RPG Only, Spark on June 28th, 2012 by Kevin Weiser

We take a look at the currently available Spark RPG Open Beta by Jason Pitre. Jason was a major contributor to our Donation Drive earlier this year, and was the winner of the “choose our summer game” prize. As such, he asked us to give his game a once over, and we gladly obliged. This first session is world creation (apparently we have a thing for the early 20th century as a setting! Sorry for the lack of show notes, I forgot to hit “save” before a computer crash.

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