The Spark RPG Actual Play Session 1

We take a look at the currently available Spark RPG Open Beta by Jason Pitre. Jason was a major contributor to our Donation Drive earlier this year, and was the winner of the “choose our summer game” prize. As such, he asked us to give his game a once over, and we gladly obliged. This first session is world creation (apparently we have a thing for the early 20th century as a setting! Sorry for the lack of show notes, I forgot to hit “save” before a computer crash.

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2 Responses to “The Spark RPG Actual Play Session 1”

  1. Jason Pitre Says:

    Astounding, thank you very much for your AP.

  2. Taelor Says:

    I think the stuff about an Iron Eagle was supposed to be derived from the “dream symbolism” inspiration.

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