Discussion 40: Monster Hearts Review

Posted in Discussions, Monster Hearts, Review, RPG Only on December 4th, 2012 by Allegra

Kevin, Allegra, CJ, and Dan discuss Monster Hearts. Overall we had a very positive experience with the game, and spend most of our time discussing its particular take on the Apocalypse World system: Strings, Social PVP, and the like. Enjoy!

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Trigger Warnings

  • We talk about using the skins as archetypes/stereotypes of mental illnesses.

Crunchy Bits!


Monster Hearts Actual Play Session 4

Posted in Monster Hearts, Play Sessions, RPG Only on November 20th, 2012 by Allegra

Agendas clash and everything comes to a head in this final episode of Monster Hearts! Secret machinations revealed and desperate bargains are made, with final, fatal results.

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Trigger Warnings

  • Heavy on the sexuality, veiled
  • Detailed descriptions of injuries.

Crunchy Bits!

Monsterhearts Actual Play Session 3

Posted in Monster Hearts, Play Sessions, RPG Only on November 7th, 2012 by Allegra

Omar returns from triggering his darkest self to find Mara in his bed, but not the way he may have wanted. Crowe makes some odd and confusing discoveries. Allegra finds out she has to blanket things in darkness pretty quickly when the players keep rolling poorly. All in all, a good session, everyone brings the darkness and angst!

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Trigger Warnings:

Unveiled descriptions of a non-violent suicide. Physical abuse between teenagers and adults. References to the previous statutory rape discussion, no details.

Crunchy Bits!

Monsterhearts Actual Play Session 2

Posted in Monster Hearts, Play Sessions, RPG Only on October 30th, 2012 by Allegra

Dan, CJ, Kevin and Allegra begin to navigate the town of Hayesburg, OR on the day of the first high school football game. Strings and promises are used for personal gain, but at what cost? Things escalate rather quickly, but that’s to be expected when you’re dealing with supernatural teenagers.

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Crunchy Bits!

Trigger Warnings

Discussion of teen suicide with some detail. Severe injuries described but not in explicit detail. Statutory rape heavily implied, nothing explicit mentioned.

Monsterhearts Actual Play Session 1

Posted in Monster Hearts, Play Sessions, RPG Only on October 24th, 2012 by Kevin Weiser

We start our run on Joe Mcdaldno’s Monster Hearts, a game about angsty teenage monsters. We have a special return guest, Dan, as Troll opted to bow out since he can tolerate neither tennagers nor angst.  This first session is character creation and a bit of world building. Good stuff!

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 Crunchy Bits!

Trigger Warnings

Frank but veiled discussion about teenage sexuality with comments about possible sexual coercion. Mentions of suicide and suicidal behavior, not explicit. Mild homophobia in an NPC.