Interview 13: Vincent Baker

Posted in Dogs in the Vineyard, In a Wicked Age, Interview, Non-Actual Play, Poison'd, RPG Only on April 17th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

After running three of his games back-to-back-to-back, we were pretty excited to sit down with D. Vincent Baker to chat about our experiences. We spend some time talking about aspects of Dogs in the Vineyard, In a Wicked Age…, and Poison’d, as well as cover some of his basic design philosophies. Unfortunately our first attempt to conduct this interview met with some nasty technical difficulties. There are a couple references to the fact that this is the 2nd attempt, but we only got about 10 minutes in, so no worries, you didn’t miss anything. This interview was great fun, and we can’t wait to have Vincent on again to talk about abandoning games!

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  • Intro and Outro music provided by 
Tags: , Brigham City, , Clinton R Nixon, DexCon, Dogs in the Vineyard, Dragon Magazine, Dread, Drew Baker, Duel of Wits, Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon, ed Healy, , GenCon, Graham Walmsley, GTAIV, Jack Vance, , Judd Karlman, Kill Puppies for Satan, Matt Snyder, Matt Wilson, Mechaton, No Country for Old Men, Oo! Let's Make a Game!, Poison'd,, ROCK OF TAHAMAAT SPACE TYRANT, , Storming the Wizard's Tower, Tanith Lee, The Cheap and Cheesy Fantasy Game, The Dragon Killer, The Forge, The Gaming Outpost, , True Blood, , Universalis, , Wicked Nights, Willow Pallacek, ZORK

Discussion Episode 18: Poison’d Review

Posted in Discussions, Non-Actual Play, Poison'd, Review, RPG Only on April 1st, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Dan, CJ, Kevin, and Brandon sit around for a bit and discuss their thoughts on the most piratey of RPG’s: D. Vincent Baker’s Poison’d. We discuss the basics of character creation, conflict mechanics, and how play works out. To be succinct, it’s nasty, brutish, and short. Good stuff!

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Poison’d Actual Play Session 3 Finale

Posted in Play Sessions, Poison'd, RPG Only on March 25th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Things were looking up for our nefarious crew of the Dagger when we left off last session. That doesn’t last long. This session is an impressive display of bad rolls making the situation worse with every turn. Give a listen and see how Poison’d lives up to it’s moniker of “Reservoir Dogs on a Boat.”

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Poison’d Actual Play Session 2

Posted in Play Sessions, Poison'd, RPG Only on March 7th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

The crew of the Pirate ship the Dagger beaches itself upon Isla Luna to gather much needed water and supplies. Murmurs of discontent can be heard rippling through the crew, as Isla Luna is well known for being the home of a powerful witch. What’s the worst that could happen? Word to the wise: this episode gets pretty rank. “Dirty Dick Wiggins” makes good on his name, among other atrocities.


Brandon: Dirty Dick Wiggins Ship’s Gunnery Master

CJ: Bloody John Parr Ship’s Surgeon

Kevin: Solomon Cruikshank Ship’s Captain

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Poison’d Actual Play Session 1

Posted in Play Sessions, Poison'd, RPG Only on February 28th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin, CJ, Dan, and Brandon sit down for our third and final D. Vincent Baker game: Poison’d: A Pirate RPG. This session covers the creation of our individual pirates, as well as the crew and specifics of our pirate ship. We do just a tad of roleplaying at the end to get a feel for how Success Rolls work, and set things up nicely for next session. So far we’re all enjoying it a lot!


Brandon: Dirty Dick Wiggins Ship’s Gunnery Master Soul: 4 Devil: 4 Brutality: 4 Ambition: 4 Brinkmanship: 4

CJ: Bloody John Parr Ship’s Surgeon Soul: 4 Devil: 4 Ambition: 4 Brutality: 3 Brinkmanship: 4

Kevin: Solomon Cruikshank Ship’s Quartermaster Soul: 4 Devil: 4 Ambition: 5 Brutality: 5 Brinkmanship: 5

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Tags: , , , , Dogs in the Vineyard, Hardtack, , , Legos, Misspent Youth, Poison'd, Rogue Trader, Sgt. Hatred, Sid Meyer's Pirates!, The Count of Monte Cristo, Tie Defender, Venture Brothers,