FreeMarket Actual Play Session 3

Posted in FreeMarket, Play Sessions, RPG Only on May 30th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

We continue our adventures on FreeMarket Station after a one-week hiatus. Due to a pretty big flub on Kevin’s part, the previous session was not fit to air. We discuss a bit of what happened in that session, how that mistake affected play, and some of our thoughts on the card system of FreeMarket. This session is a bit short due to some technical difficulties, so we didn’t break it up into smaller chunks. Also, at one point Brandon makes references to some “notes” in our book. Luke and Jared sent us their proofread copy of the rules, which includes marginalia and design notes that will need to be implemented in the final text. So when Brandon brings up a rules clarification on upgrading and repairing tech, he’s referring to those notes in case you get confused.  Despite the technical hiccups, we had a lot of fun this session. We’ve got a pretty strong grasp of the challenge system, and look forward to our final session next week!

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Tags: ARG, Bot-Voting, , , , , Hannibal Lecter, , Kindle, Kirby, Low Frequency Fear Effects, Malware, Open Source Software, Portal, Super Smash Brothers, There Will Be Blood, There Will Be Brawl, Tomacco, William Gibson, WOW, Zemeckis

FreeMarket Actual Play Session 2

Posted in FreeMarket, Play Sessions, RPG Only on May 14th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Session two kicks off with a Thin Slicing challenge to rid the group’s MRCZ area of an annoying rock band, and from there CJ, Dan, and Brandon launch into a negotiation with a local MRCZ to test out some new technology for them.  We spend some time getting used to the nuances of the challenge system, and set things up nicely for some exciting challenges next session. Stay tuned!

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Crunchy Bits!

Tags: Blink, , Bungie, ChatRoulette, , , DRM, Edward James Olmos, Grand Theft Auto IV, Hal Jordan, Hong Kong, Independent Insurgency, Japanese Capsule Hotels, , Jump 255 Trilogy, , Lexx, Luke Crane, Mad Men, Malcom Gladwell, Marilyn Manson, Mashup, Penny Arcade, Peter Steele, Ronald D. Moore, Smoke on the Water, The 5th Element, The Segway, Twiggy Ramirez, Typo O Negative, Valve, Welch Ave Station

Discussion Episode 18: Poison’d Review

Posted in Discussions, Non-Actual Play, Poison'd, Review, RPG Only on April 1st, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Dan, CJ, Kevin, and Brandon sit around for a bit and discuss their thoughts on the most piratey of RPG’s: D. Vincent Baker’s Poison’d. We discuss the basics of character creation, conflict mechanics, and how play works out. To be succinct, it’s nasty, brutish, and short. Good stuff!

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Poison’d Actual Play Session 3 Finale

Posted in Play Sessions, Poison'd, RPG Only on March 25th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Things were looking up for our nefarious crew of the Dagger when we left off last session. That doesn’t last long. This session is an impressive display of bad rolls making the situation worse with every turn. Give a listen and see how Poison’d lives up to it’s moniker of “Reservoir Dogs on a Boat.”

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Tags: , , , , Poison'd,

Poison’d Actual Play Session 2

Posted in Play Sessions, Poison'd, RPG Only on March 7th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

The crew of the Pirate ship the Dagger beaches itself upon Isla Luna to gather much needed water and supplies. Murmurs of discontent can be heard rippling through the crew, as Isla Luna is well known for being the home of a powerful witch. What’s the worst that could happen? Word to the wise: this episode gets pretty rank. “Dirty Dick Wiggins” makes good on his name, among other atrocities.


Brandon: Dirty Dick Wiggins Ship’s Gunnery Master

CJ: Bloody John Parr Ship’s Surgeon

Kevin: Solomon Cruikshank Ship’s Captain

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Tags: , , , , Poison'd, Rapetastic,

Poison’d Actual Play Session 1

Posted in Play Sessions, Poison'd, RPG Only on February 28th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin, CJ, Dan, and Brandon sit down for our third and final D. Vincent Baker game: Poison’d: A Pirate RPG. This session covers the creation of our individual pirates, as well as the crew and specifics of our pirate ship. We do just a tad of roleplaying at the end to get a feel for how Success Rolls work, and set things up nicely for next session. So far we’re all enjoying it a lot!


Brandon: Dirty Dick Wiggins Ship’s Gunnery Master Soul: 4 Devil: 4 Brutality: 4 Ambition: 4 Brinkmanship: 4

CJ: Bloody John Parr Ship’s Surgeon Soul: 4 Devil: 4 Ambition: 4 Brutality: 3 Brinkmanship: 4

Kevin: Solomon Cruikshank Ship’s Quartermaster Soul: 4 Devil: 4 Ambition: 5 Brutality: 5 Brinkmanship: 5

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Tags: , , , , Dogs in the Vineyard, Hardtack, , , Legos, Misspent Youth, Poison'd, Rogue Trader, Sgt. Hatred, Sid Meyer's Pirates!, The Count of Monte Cristo, Tie Defender, Venture Brothers,

Comics Cast #1: January (part 1)

Posted in Comics Cast on February 21st, 2010 by CJ

A new experiment from The Walking Eye!  Since we usually record on Wednesday evenings, our warmup conversation usually focuses on the week’s new comic books.  The Walking Eye Comics Cast features Dan and CJ discussing, and occasionally ranting, about January’s comic releases.

Comics discussed:

  • Blackest Night #6
  • Green Lantern #50
  • Blackest Night: The Flash #2
  • Blackest Night: JSA #2
  • Superman #696
  • Batman and Robin #7
  • R.E.B.E.L.S. #12
  • Secret Warriors #12

Crunchy Bits!

Tags: Batman and Robin, Blackest Night, Blackest Night: JSA, Blackest Night: The Flash, , , , R.E.B.E.L.S., Secret Warriors, Superman

Discussion Episode 16: Dogs in the Vineyard Review

Posted in Discussions, Dogs in the Vineyard, Non-Actual Play, Review, RPG Only on February 4th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Our review of “Vincent Baker’s Concentrated Awesome” aka Dogs in the Vineyard. We sit down to discuss the dice mechanics, moral ambiguity, and how advancement is inextricably tied into not only changes to your character, but also the damage model. Also, Brandon’s still not over his fear of cows.

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro Music from the soundtrack to The Proposition by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis (the composer, not the comic writer)
  • Outro Music “Palomino” by Tree Adams.
Tags: , , , , Call of Cthulhu, , D&D, , Diagonally Through the Woods, Dogs in the Vineyard, , Mind Flayer, State of Deseret, The Jank Cast, , Warhammer Fantasy RPG

Dogs in the Vineyard Actual Play Session 3 Finale

Posted in Dogs in the Vineyard, Play Sessions, RPG Only on January 22nd, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Dogs in the Vineyard wraps up with the small ranching town of King’s Crossing. The players experiment with taking on conflicts solo, and finds some pretty serious challenges facing their characters. The defeats culminate with a very tense final showdown!

Unfortunately this is our last session of Dogs. We had a pretty rough three months this winter and have only managed to record twice due to plague, work, weather, and holidays. It was very difficult to keep the momentum going, but we all feel this is a good session to end on. The conflicts were tough, the morality fuzzy, and the ending suitably tragic.

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro Music from the soundtrack to The Proposition by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis (the composer, not the comic writer)
  • Outro music from “God’s Gonna Strike You Down” by Johnny Cash.
Tags: Angel, , , Clancy Brown, Conner, , , Dogs in the Vineyard, , Little House on the Prairie, Silent Lucidity, , Wolf Brother

Dogs in the Vineyard Actual Play Session 2

Posted in Dogs in the Vineyard, Play Sessions, RPG Only on January 4th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

And here we have our first full town for D. Vincent Baker’s Dog’s in the Vineyard. The gang learns a few good lessons this session. Namely, there’s pretty much no stopping a group of Dogs when they team up, and no matter how bad you don’t want your cousin to be a Sorcerer, sometimes you just have to face facts.  This town was created by Jason Morningstar, and is based on the true story of Olive Oatman. When Jason found out I was running his towns, he shot me an email warning that a few of his early town designs aren’t the most ideal. I thanked him for his concern, but went ahead anyway.

Since then, I’ve done a LOT of reading on the lumpley forums on The Forge about town design, and gotten a bit of play under my belt. I now know what Jason was concerned about. I’m not sure if it comes through in the recording, but this town lacked the tension of some later ones I’ve run, and I know exactly why: The situation was too clear, the antagonist too one-sided, and the problems of the town hadn’t escalated to Hate and Murder yet. Vincent recommends ALWAYS designing a town up to Hate and Murder. I learned a lot from running this town, and my second town is one I made myself, and I think really hits all the right spots for what a town should be. Stay tuned for that!

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro Music from the soundtrack to The Proposition by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis (the composer, not the comic writer)
  • Outro music from “When The Man Comes Around” by Johnny Cash.
Tags: , Carnivale, , , , Dogs in the Vineyard, , Lumpley Games, Mouse Guard, The Forge, Unknown Armies, , Wheel of Time