The Walking Eye Interview 2: Robert Bohl
Our exploration of Misspent Youth comes to a close as we sit down to discuss the game with it’s designer Rob Bohl. We learned a lot from playing MY and had a great time talking about it with Rob. The conversation meanders through a variety of topics, from a basic overview of the game, to difficulties we had, changes that will be in the final version, and a very entertaining debate between Brandon and Rob about the role of The Authority. We extend our thanks to Rob for giving us the opportunity to play his game and discuss it with us.
Crunchy Bits:
- Intro and Outro music “21st Century Digital Boy” by Bad Religion provided by Epitaph Records.
- Bumpers: Spooky Outhouse Productions, RPG Podcasts, and Narrative Control.
Other Relevant Links:
Names Rob Dropped:
- Joshua AC Newman
- Vincent Baker
- Meguey Baker
- Paul Czege
- Emily Care Boss
- Judd Karlman (The Sons of Kryos)
- Michael Miller
- Tony Lower-Basch
- Andrew Morris
- Thor Olavsrud
- Jennifer Rodgers
- Rob Donahough
- Fred Hicks
- Mickey (Geek Girls Rule)
- Jason Morningstar
Names Brandon Dropped:
- Monte Cook
Podcast: |
Tags: Andrew Morris, Brandon, CJ, Dan, Deb Donahough, Emily Care Boss, Evan Torner, Fred Hicks, Geek Girls Rule, Jason Morningstar, Jen, Jennifer Rodgers, Joshua AC Newman, Judd Karlman, Kat Jones, Kevin, Meguey Baker, Michael Miller, Mickey, Misspent Youth, Paul Czege, Rob Bohl, Rob Donahough, The Sons of Kryos, Thor Olavsrud, Tony Lower-Basch, Vincent Baker
Hey now I dropped names too where is my credit list.
There, happy now? 😛
Hey, this was a great interview after a great session. I usually find ap casts frustrating because they’re slow, or annoying. The only reason I’m ever frustrated with the Walking Eye is because I’M NOT THERE.
Thanks Ogre! Glad to hear all that editing I do the AP’s is paying off. Hopefully we’ll run into you at one of these hippy Con’s everybody’s always talking about, it’d be a blast to play with ya!
Thanks for the interview, guys. I had a lot of fun. Great job on the link-providing, Kevin.
Hi, this is Judd, one of the many names Rob dropped because he does that to make himself feel special. It is a sad thing but we love him anyway.
That was a solid show, thanks for interviewing him.
I love your format, playing the game and then interviewing the game designer; it is a stunning use of the internet or to use that hip term, Web 2.0.
Great stuff, keep it comin’.
[…] Robert Bohl (and our interview with him) […]
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