Burning Empires – Fires Over Omac Actual Play

Posted in Burning Empires, Play Sessions, RPG Only on April 30th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

A little while back Jen invited her old DM from back in the day to come up and join us. He was curious to see what all these newfangled storygames were all about, so we decided to run the con scenario for Burning Empires: Fires Over Omac.  Kevin was GM, and the players were Jen, Brandon, and Brian. Pardon us if we sound a bit preachy, we were trying pretty hard to show Brian how different these games were, from the design to the philosophy behind the design. We may come off as frothing evangelists from time to time. I (Kevin) had tried to run Fires Over Omac a couple times before with varied degrees of success, but this time I think I did pretty well.  Our original plan was simply to record this for personal reference later, but upon further listening it came out as a pretty strong example of Burning Empires play. Because of this, our noise discipline was not as good as it usually is, so please excuse the background clutter.

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Forge Midwest 2009: Tim Koppang Interview

Posted in Forge Midwest 2009, Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on April 25th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

In early April Jen and I took a road trip up to Forge Midwest 2009 in beautiful Madison, Wisconsin. We played a lot of games and met a lot of cool people, expect a fair amount of content related to that in the upcoming weeks. One of the high points was a chance to play Hero’s Banner with it’s creator Tim Koppang. After running it for myself and two others (Edward “Sabe” Jones and a dude named Tim who’s contact info I didn’t get) I grabbed Tim (Koppang, not the player) and did a short interview with him. We discuss his inspirations for the game, the term “Storygames” (he’s not a fan), his gaming history, and whether free will actually exists or not. It was a real pleasure to meet and interview him.

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  • Intro and Outro Music Provided by
Tags: Bill Mudron, , Dust Devils, , Hero's Banner, Keith Senkowski, , , Song of Ice and Fire, Story Engine, Storygames, The Forge, The Gaming Outpost, Tim Koppang

3:16 Actual Play Session 1

Posted in 3:16, Play Sessions, RPG Only on April 20th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Things kick off for 3:16: Carnage Amongst The Stars by Gregor Hutton with an attack on the Terran Asteroid Belt. The 3rd Army of the 16th Brigade sprung into action and quickly purged the mysterious alien virus from the computer core. In fact, pretty much everything was purged in a 5,000 mile radius. The whole crew enjoyed the setting aside from a few minor grumbles (“Mining robots? Really?” -Jen) and energy was high; everyone walked away with considerable excitement for next session.


  • Kevin was GM
  • Jen played Tucker
  • Rank: Trooper Rep: Seen the face of God FA: 7 NFA: 3
  • Brandon played Miller
  • Rank: Sergeant Rep: First time out. FA: 3 NFA: 7
  • Dan Played Murphy
  • Rank: Corporal Rep: Lawbringer (as in, Murphy’s Law) FA: 8 NFA: 2
  • CJ Played Carson
  • Rank: Trooper Rep: Easily Spooked FA: 6 NFA: 4

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The Walking Eye Interview 4: Clyde Rhoer

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only, Silence Keeps Me a Victim on April 6th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Keeping with our format of play, discuss and interview, Kevin and Jen Interview Clyde Rhoer the creator of Silence Keeps Me a Victim.

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Tags: , Amber Diceless, Clyde Rhoer, Don't Rest Your Head, Evil Hat Productions, , Gregor Hutton, Grey Ranks, , Jared Sorensen, , , , Lucana, Luke Crane, Misspent Youth, Paul Czege, Ralph Maza, Robert Bohl, , Sam Weber, Silence Keeps Me a Victim,

Silence Keeps Me a Victim, Discussion

Posted in Discussions, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only, Silence Keeps Me a Victim on April 5th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

After playing Silence Keeps Me a Victim, Kevin and Jen have a somewhat heated conversation about the game and the topics is deals with.

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Tags: Clyde Rhoer, Discussion, , , Silence Keeps Me a Victim

Silence Keeps Me a Victim, Actual Play

Posted in Play Sessions, RPG Only, Silence Keeps Me a Victim on April 5th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin and Jen play Silence Keeps me a Victim by Theory from the Closet‘s Clyde Rhoer. It’s a pretty intense two person game designed by Clyde as a way to work through a history of childhood molestation. In the game the players assume the roles of “Advocate” and “Guide” for the child in the story; the Guide designs surreal landscapes that are often dark and disturbing (I likened them to Alice in Wonderland or ), through which the child travels to discover their voice, remove their mask and retrieve their heart.

This game is designed to allow for the players to speak in some voice about trauma felt deeply but otherwise unexpressed due to social restrictions. What drew me to this game is not the subject matter specifically but the reactions that I see in society to it. One does not have to be a victim of abuse to play this game, I stress this because several asked me just that. The fact is, I like digging into the human psyche and this game is the closest I’ve seen one come to allowing for that view into the mind.

I really enjoyed play testing Silence Keeps Me a Victim and am looking forward to Clyde putting together a finished copy some day soon.

If you or anyone you know is being abused please seek help, HelpGuide.org has resources available that may help.

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  • The Independent Insurgency
Tags: Actual Play, Clyde Rhoer, , , Silence Keeps Me a Victim