The Walking Eye Interview 3: Monte Cook

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on March 29th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Our normal format is play game, review game, interview designer. But when we heard Monte Cook had posted on his blog asking about RPG related podcasts, we knew this was too good a chance to pass up. Besides, we’d played 3.0 D&D for years, followed by a full campaign of Arcana Evolved, and our final hurrah of D20 fantasy gaming was a run through Ptolus. So while we didn’t record any of that, we’re pretty sure we got the “play game” part covered pretty well.

It was a real pleasure to talk to Mr. Cook about his new foray:, and we’re all very glad to see him back in the gaming industry. We discuss his masterfully diplomatic opinion on D&D 4E, what style of play he expects at his table, how he feels about player vs. player conflict, what games he’s looking forward to playing, and his use of Gygaxian Lexicography. We wish him luck on all his future endeavors!

Crunchy Bits!

Relevant Links:

Bumpers and Promos

Tags: , , , , Call of Cthulhu, D&D, D&D 4E, , Duel of Wits, Dungeon-a-Day, Inside the Game Designer Studio, , , Malhavoc Press, Monte Cook, Monte Cook's World of Darkness, Paul Tevis, Player vs. Player, , Stephen R. Donaldson, Thomas Covenant, Trail of Cthulhu, Wizards of the Coast

The Walking Eye Interview 2: Robert Bohl

Posted in Interview, Misspent Youth, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on March 14th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Our exploration of Misspent Youth comes to a close as we sit down to discuss the game with it’s designer Rob Bohl. We learned a lot from playing MY and had a great time talking about it with Rob. The conversation meanders through a variety of topics, from a basic overview of the game, to difficulties we had, changes that will be in the final version, and a very entertaining debate between Brandon and Rob about the role of The Authority. We extend our thanks to Rob for  giving us the opportunity to play his game and discuss it with us.

Crunchy Bits:

Other Relevant Links:

Names Rob Dropped:

Names Brandon Dropped:

  • Monte Cook
Tags: Andrew Morris, , , , Deb Donahough, Emily Care Boss, Evan Torner, , Geek Girls Rule, , , Jennifer Rodgers, Joshua AC Newman, Judd Karlman, Kat Jones, , Meguey Baker, Michael Miller, Mickey, Misspent Youth, Paul Czege, , Rob Donahough, The Sons of Kryos, Thor Olavsrud, Tony Lower-Basch,

Discussion Episode 6: Misspent Youth Review

Posted in Discussions, Misspent Youth, Non-Actual Play, Review, RPG Only on March 7th, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin, CJ, Dan, Jen, and Brandon discuss their recently completed run of Rob Bohl’s Misspent Youth. We break down the basic mechanics of the game, debate on a few of the changes planned for the final version, and deliver a final verdict; irrevocably shattering Rob’s fragile ego. Just kidding! We loved it and think everybody should play it. Up next is an interview with Mr. Bohl himself, one we’re all looking forward to!

Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro music “21st Century Digital Boy” by Bad Religion provided by Epitaph Records.


Tags: , , , , , Misspent Youth,

Misspent Youth Session 4 Finale

Posted in Misspent Youth, Play Sessions, RPG Only on March 1st, 2009 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin, Jen, CJ, Dan, and Brandon bring the Misspent Youth story arc to a thrilling conclusion! The cat is out of the bag now that we’ve organized a world-wide school riot and The Company isn’t pulling punches anymore. This session is structured slightly different then the previous ones, as we used the designer Rob Bohl’s newly developed round-robin scene framing mechanic. This took a lot of the plot control out of Brandon’s hands, but he adjusted to it pretty quickly. We were still able to come together with a coherent plot and a satisfying ending. Stay tuned next week for our review!

Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro music “21st Century Digital Boy” by Bad Religion provided by Epitaph Records.


Tags: , , , , , Misspent Youth