Discussion 32: Tone

Posted in Discussions, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on July 5th, 2011 by Kevin Weiser

CJ, Troll, and Kevin attempt (with some difficulty) to define tone, how it affects play at the table, and different systems that use a variety of tricks to reinforce their tone.

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Apocalypse World Review

Posted in Apocalypse World, Discussions, Non-Actual Play, Review, RPG Only on March 29th, 2011 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin, Jen, CJ, and Troll gather around to discuss the ins and outs of D. Vincent Baker’s Apocalypse World. There were a wide variety of opinions about Apocalypse World, and we spend some time discussing the particulars of the GM style of AW and how the tone of the text affects some people’s enjoyment of the game. Overall, we really enjoyed Apocalypse World.

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Interview 11: Ron Edwards (Part Two)

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on February 15th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Here’s the 2nd half of Kevin’s interview with Ron Edwards.  In it we discuss the necessary skills and attitudes for approaching gaming, a breakdown of some of Kevin’s prior difficulties with Sorcerer, and finally some discussion on what The Forge is all about. Kevin does a fantastic job of sticking his foot in his mouth by comparing The Forge GenCon booth to a Scientology recruiting station. See how he backpedals! Awkward comparisons aside, I had a great time sitting down and talking with Ron. I look forward to seeing him again at Forge Midwest 2010!

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Tags: 7th Sea, Adept Press, Ars Magica, , , Cheech Wizard, Dogs in the Vineyard, Dust Devils, ed Healy, , , Jared Sorensen, Luke Crane, Mike Mearls, Mork Bode, Over the Edge, Paul Czege, , Prime Time Adventures, Richard Dawkins, Riddle of Steel, , , RPG.net, runequest, Shadow of Yesterday, Sorcerer, The Forge, The Last Supper, The moose in the City, Trollbabe, Vaugn Bode,