Poison’d Actual Play Session 1

Posted in Play Sessions, Poison'd, RPG Only on February 28th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin, CJ, Dan, and Brandon sit down for our third and final D. Vincent Baker game: Poison’d: A Pirate RPG. This session covers the creation of our individual pirates, as well as the crew and specifics of our pirate ship. We do just a tad of roleplaying at the end to get a feel for how Success Rolls work, and set things up nicely for next session. So far we’re all enjoying it a lot!


Brandon: Dirty Dick Wiggins Ship’s Gunnery Master Soul: 4 Devil: 4 Brutality: 4 Ambition: 4 Brinkmanship: 4

CJ: Bloody John Parr Ship’s Surgeon Soul: 4 Devil: 4 Ambition: 4 Brutality: 3 Brinkmanship: 4

Kevin: Solomon Cruikshank Ship’s Quartermaster Soul: 4 Devil: 4 Ambition: 5 Brutality: 5 Brinkmanship: 5

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Crunchy Bits!

Tags: , , , , Dogs in the Vineyard, Hardtack, , , Legos, Misspent Youth, Poison'd, Rogue Trader, Sgt. Hatred, Sid Meyer's Pirates!, The Count of Monte Cristo, Tie Defender, Venture Brothers,

Comics Cast #2: January (part 2)

Posted in Comics Cast on February 25th, 2010 by CJ

The Walking Eye Comics continues! Dan and CJ conclude their discussion of January releases with a focus on big event books from Marvel Comics.

Comics discussed:

  • Adventure Comics #6
  • Captain America Reborn #6
  • Captain America: Who Will Wield the Shield?
  • Captain America #602
  • The Brave and the Bold #31
  • Dark Avengers #13
  • New Avengers #61
  • Booster Gold #28
  • Siege #1

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Crunchy Bits!

Tags: Adventure Comics, Booster Gold, Captain America: Reborn, Dark Avengers, New Avengers, Siege, The Brave and the Bold

Comics Cast #1: January (part 1)

Posted in Comics Cast on February 21st, 2010 by CJ

A new experiment from The Walking Eye!  Since we usually record on Wednesday evenings, our warmup conversation usually focuses on the week’s new comic books.  The Walking Eye Comics Cast features Dan and CJ discussing, and occasionally ranting, about January’s comic releases.

Comics discussed:

  • Blackest Night #6
  • Green Lantern #50
  • Blackest Night: The Flash #2
  • Blackest Night: JSA #2
  • Superman #696
  • Batman and Robin #7
  • R.E.B.E.L.S. #12
  • Secret Warriors #12

Crunchy Bits!

Tags: Batman and Robin, Blackest Night, Blackest Night: JSA, Blackest Night: The Flash, , , , R.E.B.E.L.S., Secret Warriors, Superman

Interview 11: Ron Edwards (Part Two)

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on February 15th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Here’s the 2nd half of Kevin’s interview with Ron Edwards.  In it we discuss the necessary skills and attitudes for approaching gaming, a breakdown of some of Kevin’s prior difficulties with Sorcerer, and finally some discussion on what The Forge is all about. Kevin does a fantastic job of sticking his foot in his mouth by comparing The Forge GenCon booth to a Scientology recruiting station. See how he backpedals! Awkward comparisons aside, I had a great time sitting down and talking with Ron. I look forward to seeing him again at Forge Midwest 2010!

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro music provided by .
Tags: 7th Sea, Adept Press, Ars Magica, , , Cheech Wizard, Dogs in the Vineyard, Dust Devils, ed Healy, , , Jared Sorensen, Luke Crane, Mike Mearls, Mork Bode, Over the Edge, Paul Czege, , Prime Time Adventures, Richard Dawkins, Riddle of Steel, , , RPG.net, runequest, Shadow of Yesterday, Sorcerer, The Forge, The Last Supper, The moose in the City, Trollbabe, Vaugn Bode,

Interview 10: Ron Edwards (Part One)

Posted in Interview, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on February 7th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

While Kevin was over in Chicago to hang out with the Jank Cast he got a chance to sit down with Ron Edwards for an hour or three.  I’ve broken the interview down into two parts for ease of consumption. In this first part, we talk a bit about his inspirations for his new game S/Lay /w Me vis a vis early gaming history and the conservative crackdown on all things considered “obscene.” Then we move on to discuss how identity politics can interfere with system discussion, and then a bit about why and how he wrote Trollbabe. Stay tuned for part two!

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro and Outro music provided by .
Tags: Andrea Dwarkin, B.A.D.D., Blackmoor, Boris Vallejo, Champions, Chivalry and Sorcery, CL Moore, Clyde Roher, Code of Unaris, Comics Code Authority, Conan the Barbarian, Dave Arneson, Dragonlance, Eastern Promises, Elric of Melnibone, Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, Forge Midwest, Frank Frazetta, Gilbert Sheldon, , , Henry Kuttner, Heroes Unlimited, IPR, Jonathan Tweet, , Larry Elmore, Liz Danforth, Meese Report, Monte Cook, Moral Majority, Nine Worlds, Over the Edge, Prince Valiant, Robert Bohl, Robert Crumb, Robert Jordan, , S. Clay Wilson, S/lay /w Me, Scopes Monkey Trial, Skype, Sorcerer, , The Fantasy Trip, The Forge, The Jank Cast, The Pulling report, The Riddle of Steel, The Shadow of Yesterday, Tipper Gore, Trollbabe, Vampire: The Masquerade, , XDM, Zap Comics

Discussion Episode 16: Dogs in the Vineyard Review

Posted in Discussions, Dogs in the Vineyard, Non-Actual Play, Review, RPG Only on February 4th, 2010 by Kevin Weiser

Our review of “Vincent Baker’s Concentrated Awesome” aka Dogs in the Vineyard. We sit down to discuss the dice mechanics, moral ambiguity, and how advancement is inextricably tied into not only changes to your character, but also the damage model. Also, Brandon’s still not over his fear of cows.

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Crunchy Bits!

  • Intro Music from the soundtrack to The Proposition by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis (the composer, not the comic writer)
  • Outro Music “Palomino” by Tree Adams.
Tags: , , , , Call of Cthulhu, , D&D, , Diagonally Through the Woods, Dogs in the Vineyard, , Mind Flayer, State of Deseret, The Jank Cast, , Warhammer Fantasy RPG