Discussion 47: Kickstarter

Posted in Discussions, Non-Actual Play, RPG Only on September 25th, 2013 by Allegra

Kevin, Troll, CJ and Allegra sit down to chat about everyone’s favorite crowd funding site. Note: This is slightly dated as it was recorded in July, so the projects discussed have closed.

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Dungeon World Revisted Review

Posted in Discussions, Dungeon World, Non-Actual Play, Review, RPG Only on September 17th, 2013 by Kevin Weiser

Kevin, CJ, Troll, and Allegra sit down to review the final version of Dungeon World. Spoilers: We liked it, and we have OPINIONS on bonds.

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Dungeon World Revisted, Recap of Session IV

Posted in Discussions, Dungeon World, Play Sessions, RPG Only on September 17th, 2013 by Kevin Weiser

And now for something a little different. Due to a technical issue, the last recording of the Dungeon World Revisted AP was lost. So Kevin, CJ, Troll, and Allegra sit down to do a more traditional AP/recap. More character death! More gods! More…Dungeon World!

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