Discussion Episode 21: Abandoning Games Round-table
During our interview with Vincent Baker, he agreed to tell us about a secret project in exchange for a promise to have him back on to discuss the topic of abandoning games. With GenCon right around the corner, this seemed like a great time to hold up our end of the bargain. We grabbed two of Vincent’s good friends Joshua A.C. Newman and Robert Bohl to join us in this discussion since, well, none of us here at The Walking Eye have designed, let alone abandoned, a game before. Kevin moderated as these three discussed the different aspects of abandoning games: how difficult it can be, what you can learn from it, and how to know when to let an idea go.
Relevant Links
- Vincent’s Blog
- Joshua’s Blog
- The Dragon Killer
- Under The Bed
- Shock: Social Science Fiction
- The Dark Crystal
- Human Contact
- Prime Time Adventures
- Apocalypse World
- The 20×20 Room
- Misspent Youth
- Otherkind
- In A Wicked Age
- Psi-Run
- Jared Sorensen
- Key Parties
- Paul Czege
- Acts of Evil
- Night’s Master by Tannith Lee
- Ron Edwards
- Beowulf
- Fantasy Heartbreakers
- GameChef
- Myers-Briggs Personality Test
- PAX East
- Mike and Jerry
- Dreamnation
Crunchy Bits!
- Intro and Outro music provided by
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Tags: Acts of Evil, Apocalypse World, Beowulf, DreamNation, Fantasy Heartbreakers, GameChef, Human Contact, In a Wicked Age, Jared Sorensen, Joshua AC Newman, Kagematsu, Kevin, Key Parties, Misspent Youth, Myers-Briggs Personality Test, Otherkind, Paul Czege, PAX East, Prime Time Adventures, Psi-Run, Robert Bohl, Ron Edwards, Shock: Social Science Fiction, Tannith Lee, The 20x20 Room, The Dark Crystal, The Dragon Killer, Under the Bed, Vincent Baker
Kind of surprised you don’t know much about Apocalypse World. I decided to preorder it, more or less on a whim, and it’s taken over my brain. I started running a game from the PDF (though we’ve only had two sessions so far) and I’ve also started working on a hack (because that’s the in thing to do these days, apparently) of it inspired by the old WoD game Wraith: the Oblivion (because, goddamn it, we need more RPGs in which the PCs are ghosts).
You know, to be honest, I didn’t see much point. It’s not like I wasn’t gonna get it, ya know? No reason to get all antsy about it, when I have plenty of games that are OUT that I need to play, heh. I have no doubt AW will take over my brain when I buy it at GenCon.
Hey Kevin,
Thanks for having us on. I’d love to try to play AW with you at Gen Con.
You guys really need to do a series of AW games here. That would be really, really awesome.
Worry not, Peter. AW will be covered!
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