Dresden Files RPG Session 5 Finale
Things come to a head in the exciting conclusion to our run through the Dresden Files RPG. A small note on the sound quality: about 45 minutes in the AC kicks on, which was accompanied by a very annoying rattle. I used noise reduction to eliminate most of it, but as a result the remainder of the episode sounds just a tad tinny. Sorry if this is bothersome, but trust me, it was better than the rattle!
Relevant Links
- Dresden Files RPG
- LARP episode
- Metagaming episode
- Archon
- Absinthe
- Luke Meyers
- Tony Mast
- Ron Jeremy
- Arlington Cemetary
- Billy the Werewolf (Spoilers!)
- Electroshock Therapy
- The Mind/Body Split
- Retrograde Amnesia (The “Pro-something” Kevin was thinking of was actually Prosopagnosia, aka “Face Blindness”)
- Farraday Cage
- St. Elmo’s Fire
- Blackstaff (Spoilers!)
Crunchy Bits!
- Dresden Files Actual Play Session 5: 2 hours
- Intro music from “The Wizard” by of Idle Thumbs
- Outro music “Itsy Bitsy Spider” by The Boogers.
Podcast: |
Tags: Absinthe, Archon, Arlington Cemetary, Billy the Werewolf, Blackstaff, CJ, Dresden Files RPG, Electroshock Therapy, Farraday Cage, Jen, Kevin, LARP, Luke Meyers, Metagaming, Monty Python, Mr. Wolf, Prosopagnosia, Retrograde Amnesia, Ron Jeremy, St. Elmo's Fire, Tony Mast, Troll
Threads coming out of the sky into the graves of soldiers? Seems suspiciously like a certain Metallica album cover.