Mouse Guard Actual Play Session 1

I distinctly remember sending out an email to Dan, CJ, Brandon, and Jen a bit before Christmas that after reading the Luke Crane and David Peterson’s Mouse Guard PDF, we needed to bump it into the schedule as soon as possible. “As soon as possible” ended up being May, but we were no less eager to delve into the world of David Peterson’s seminal comic. This first session covers character creation, a fairly brisk and entertaining process.


  • Kevin is the GM.
  • Dan plays Conner Greenleaf.
    • Rank: Guard Mouse.
    • Belief: Bold action is the way of the Guard
    • Instinct: Check the weather every time we stop.
    • Highest Skills: Fighter 5 Weather-Watcher 5
    • Traits: Tough II
  • CJ plays Thom.
    • Rank: Tenderpaw.
    • Belief : I’m ready to be a GuardMouse, and this is my chance to prove it to Tander!
    • Instinct:Meet the enemy Head-On.
    • Highest Skills: Fighter 4 Cartographer 3
    • Traits: Independent I, Sharp Eyed I, Short I
  • Brandon Plays Tander Fizzcup
    • Rank: Patrol Leader
    • Belief : Our strength comes from the bonds of fellowship amongst the Guard; not the individual.
    • Instinct: Never let a young one go alone.
    • Highest Skills: Healer 6 Survivalist 4
    • Traits: Rational I, Old Fur I, Leader I
  • Jen plays Josephine Wanderwing
    • Rank: Patrol Guard
    • Belief: Knowledge is Power. There is always time to research.
    • Instinct: Trust but verify.
    • Highest Skills: Pathfinder 6 Survivalist 5
    • Traits: Inquisitive I Curious I

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Crunchy Bits!

By popular demand, Session 1 Broken down into smaller chunks:

  • Intro music is from , Lyrics by David Petersen Music & Performance by Jesse Glenn
  • Outro Music is from “The Plouescal Races” by Gaelic Storm.

Bumpers and Promos

Tags: , , , Champions, , David Peterson, Dogs in the Vineyard, , , Luke Crane, Mouse Guard, Pai Mai, Secret of Nimh,

12 Responses to “Mouse Guard Actual Play Session 1”

  1. James Says:

    This is very cool. You all do such a great job with your AP and interviews. You showcase games so well, and sound like you have a real good time while doing so. And your post game reviews/discussions are very good too.

    I noticed there is some audio problems starting about 1:13:50 and continuing on through the remainder of the podcast. It is like snip-its from the opening half hour are spliced in. It happen in mid sentence and what not. It got really distracting.

    Just wanted to point it out.

    keep up thegreat work

  2. oberonthefool Says:

    Brilliant with the slicing. Now I shall be able to listen without that pesky ear-bleeding effect produced by longer ‘casts! Bravo! ^_^

  3. Rich Says:

    Guys, the penis jokes during 3:16 and the repetitive anal rape jokes during MG chargen are really not funny (to me). Being loud and obnoxious about not caring that you’re being recorded isn’t funny either. I’m close to unsubscribing this cast because the sophomoric humor is annoying.

    This makes me sad because I like the games you’re playing and I want to hear your AP, but the table chatter is just a bit much for me.

  4. Echowing Says:

    I just bought the rules myself, and I’m looking forward to running this. I really appreciate you making the effort to record this- it’s incredibly helpful to those of us trying to muddle through the rules. As to the above comment about the rank humor, I feel like we’re eavesdropping your play table. As an eavesdropper, I’m not going to make demands on what you guys have going on in your play sessions.
    There are too few people showcasing games in this way. If I was recording my group’s game sessions and people on the internet were offended by it, I think I would just stop recording rather than ask my game group to behave differently.
    So please keep recording, don’t worry about your table chatter, and please please please record your first play session; I can’t wait to hear how the rules work during play.

  5. Lee B Says:

    Looking forward to the actual play of the Actual Play for Mouseguard. I bought the rules within a week of getting the graphic novel – can’t wait to hear how it plays.
    About the remarks from Rich (above) I do not think you should edit the chat – regardless of what is said – it is all part of the play. I agree with Echowing- “If I was recording my group’s game sessions and people on the internet were offended by it, I think I would just stop recording rather than ask my game group to behave differently.” Just don’t stop recording.
    Love the show, I can’t stop listening to the 3:16 AP (I bought the game after listening to the first instalment – can’t wait to play it).
    Keep up the good work chaps & chapesses.

  6. BrainWyrms » Blog Archive » More human than you man Says:

    […] Walking Eye Mouse Guard Actual Play Session 1 – Manual download worked beautifully. I’m happy to presume that last time was merely a ZiePod […]

  7. Boze Says:

    The rape and penis jokes are hilarious, if you don’t like them listen to something else, this is a bunch of friends in a room having fun, not the super bowl half time show.

  8. digital Says:

    Political correctness has to stop

    Keep penis jokes cumming!


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