Bonus Episode: Let Me Tell You About My Character!

Kevin, Troll, and Jen talk about some of their favorite characters in their roleplaying past, why they like them, and what kind of different experiences those characters produced. This episode represents a new content category for The Walking Eye. Some of our episodes we’d like to put out there, but aren’t quite up to snuff for the full feed, so we’re making a separate”bonus content” department that is available if you’d like to download, but won’t be on the primary feed.

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One Response to “Bonus Episode: Let Me Tell You About My Character!”

  1. stacey chancellor Says:

    I feel like I am dominating this site with my comments! :) This cracked me up, cuz I totally get the joke that lead into this discussion. People do not mind talking about their characters, but I really could care less how many hd you have or that you have a plus 2 sword of ass kicking. I am also into more of the story based games, but it is hard for me to come up with a character I love since I am usually the one running the game.

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