Interview 10: Ron Edwards (Part One)

While Kevin was over in Chicago to hang out with the Jank Cast he got a chance to sit down with Ron Edwards for an hour or three.  I’ve broken the interview down into two parts for ease of consumption. In this first part, we talk a bit about his inspirations for his new game S/Lay /w Me vis a vis early gaming history and the conservative crackdown on all things considered “obscene.” Then we move on to discuss how identity politics can interfere with system discussion, and then a bit about why and how he wrote Trollbabe. Stay tuned for part two!

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Tags: Andrea Dwarkin, B.A.D.D., Blackmoor, Boris Vallejo, Champions, Chivalry and Sorcery, CL Moore, Clyde Roher, Code of Unaris, Comics Code Authority, Conan the Barbarian, Dave Arneson, Dragonlance, Eastern Promises, Elric of Melnibone, Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, Forge Midwest, Frank Frazetta, Gilbert Sheldon, , , Henry Kuttner, Heroes Unlimited, IPR, Jonathan Tweet, , Larry Elmore, Liz Danforth, Meese Report, Monte Cook, Moral Majority, Nine Worlds, Over the Edge, Prince Valiant, Robert Bohl, Robert Crumb, Robert Jordan, , S. Clay Wilson, S/lay /w Me, Scopes Monkey Trial, Skype, Sorcerer, , The Fantasy Trip, The Forge, The Jank Cast, The Pulling report, The Riddle of Steel, The Shadow of Yesterday, Tipper Gore, Trollbabe, Vampire: The Masquerade, , XDM, Zap Comics

2 Responses to “Interview 10: Ron Edwards (Part One)”

  1. Ron Edwards Says:

    I knew it! Otto Fischer and Fritz Leiber were co-creators of Fafhrd and the Mouser. Fischer wrote the beginning of the story The Lords of Quarmall. Geez, I haven’t thought about that for maybe twenty years.

  2. The Relevant Dickweed « Story by the Throat! Says:

    […] of cool games including Sorcerer and Trollbabe, was recently interviewed by Kevin Weiser for the Walking Eye podcast. At about the 30-minute mark of Part 2 (the interview is QUITE extensive, but worth it if […]

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