Comics Cast #9: July 2010
Neither rain, nor sleet, nor dark of night, will keep us from reviewing our favorite comics. Well, maybe rain. Also moving, vacations, major flooding, broken water distribution systems, contaminated water distribution systems, family reunions, and skipping town to see Rush. But once you get all that out of the way, you get the long-missing July episode of The Walking Eye Comics Cast!
Comics discussed:
- Green Lantern #56
- Brightest Day #5,6
- Batman and Robin #13
- Batman #701
- Return of Bruce Wayne #4
- Time Masters: Vanishing Point #1
- Booster Gold #34
- Superman #701
- Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine #2
- Shadowland #1
- Legion of Super-Heroes #3
- Adventure Comics #516
- Brave and the Bold #35
- Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #1
- Secret Avengers #3
- Avengers #3
- REBELS #18
- The Flash #4
- New Avengers #2
- Action Comics #891
- Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #1
Crunchy Bits!
- Intro and Outro music: Pixelguru by Subatomicglue.
Podcast: |
Tags: Action Comics, Adventure Comics, Avengers, Batman, Booster Gold, Brightest Day, Bruce Wayne, Green Lantern, Legion of Super-Heroes, REBELS, Secret Avengers, Shadowland, Spider-man, Superman, The Flash, Time Masters, Wolverine, Young Avengers